Sunday, December 30, 2012

Goals for 2013!!

The verdict is in and overall I did pretty well with my 2012 goals :) Here are my results:

Goals for 2012:

1. Run over 450 miles. I actually managed over 466 miles this year!
2. Do at least 12 events, including one that is not solely running. I did 14 'in-person' events including a sprint tri, a rowing event:) and 3 more virtual events!
3. Complete two Half Marathons (yikes!). I did one Half and a 10-miler so I was a 5K short :(
4. PR at two different distances. OK so I'm cheating a bit here - I technically PR'ed at the 10-miler and a virtual 5-miler since I've never done these distances before ;)

I have mixed feelings about this year to be honest. I definitely added a lot of variety with some obstacle events and plenty of cross training mid-year. I also managed to transition to a whole new routine in a new city. Moving house twice has been the biggest challenge over the past year but I have still managed to stay active throughout and more importantly managed to stick with it throughout the hot summer. The big success of the year for me though in 2012 was finding Lu! Having a running partner has added so much joy to the process for me and I treasure our friendship and the accomplishments that we have shared :).

So, here are my goals for 2013...drumroll please...

Goals for 2013:

1. Run more often. I managed to get miles in during 2012 through plenty of long runs. That said, I didn't run as regularly as I'd have liked to. This year I ran on average just over twice a week. In 2013 I'm shooting for an average of at least 2.25 runs a week.
2. Do at least 12 in-person events, and one each month. This will keep me active all year round.
3. Complete two Half Marathons. This time I mean it :)
4. PR at two different distances - existing ones. No cheating allowed!
5. Lose 15 pounds. Nuff said.

My fitness level has already suffered from too much Christmas season over-indulgence so I'm really going to need to step it up! I've added a bunch of events for 2013 on the blog so that I can start planning now. For Christmas I have a lovely new pair of sneakers and a shiny new bike trainer and rack for my car too. So no excuses! I've also found a local Weight Watchers group. 2013 is going to be amazing!!! Happy New Year!!!