Monday, January 16, 2017

Puppy Rescue Mission Virtual 5K

For 2017 my goal is to complete at least one event per month. I also want to align my activity with causes that I'm passionate about. I saw this virtual run for Puppy Rescue Mission (sign up here!) and thought it would be a perfect way to start out the year!

The Puppy Rescue Mission helps deployed soldiers adopt stray dogs of war. Animals rescued by and bonded with soldiers overseas are often logistically difficult to bring home. This organization assists with the process to enable soldiers to bring home their companion animals from war.

My senior puppies had no interest in joining me but I could feel them rooting for me from their couch:)

My time was over a minute faster than December which I was really happy with since it was my first run this year! The medal was also adorable and says "Soldiers savings Puppies and Puppies saving Soldiers" at the bottom. There are still medals left so you can still sign up and choose any distance too!

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Light up the Night 5K

Exactly 9 weeks after my surgery I am proud to have completed my first 5K in a very long time! The race was to  raise money for a local teacher who is battling cancer and it was really inspiring to see how many neighbors, parents and students showed up on a Thursday night to show their support. We ran through the streets of Independence and the decorated homes were a great distraction! 

It's hard not to compare my current pace with the past but considering everything my body has been through I am happy to have come in under 40 minutes:)

It felt good to be active again and at the same support such a worthy cause. Looking forward to getting out there more in 2017!