Sunday, December 29, 2013

Goals for 2014!!

Setting goals is one of my favorite things to do:). It's a time to imagine the future, dream of what's possible, celebrate past accomplishments and put failures behind you and move forward:). So with that in mind, here are the not-so-spectacular results from 2013...

Goals for 2013:

1. Run more often. This one was an epic fail:(. I ran less often in 2013 than during the previous two years. I'd love to make it all better by saying that I fell in love with another activity but that would be a lie. I fell in love with laziness:(
2. Do at least 12 in-person events, and one each month. I completed 16 in-person events in 2013 but missed an event for two months of the year :(
3. Complete two Half Marathons. This time I mean it :). Apparently I didn't. I completed one Half and a 10-miler
4. PR at two different distances - existing ones. I PR'd at the Tower of Terror:)
5. Lose 15 pounds. Ruh roh. I weigh exactly the same today as at the beginning of 2013:(

So what happened??? There were some really bright spots to the year but part of the problem with hitting the goals was simple lack of motivation. I fell out of love with running during some of the year and didn't switch successfully to something else to stay active. I need to build that flexibility into my goals for next year for sure. June was tough - with more focus on proper sleeping habits I would have had a better chance at getting up to run more easily which is key when it super hot. I also wasn't very organized which would have helped me bike and swim when I didn't feel like running. Eating has been a bit of a hot mess this year. Too much sugar and mindless overeating.

So, here are my goals for 2014...drumroll please...

1. Work out more often (3 times a week at least)
2 14 in-person events in 2014 (one each month and a couple of extras)
3. Any three of the following: 10K, sprint tri, bike 25 miles
4. Either PR or complete a 5K in under 30 minutes during an event
5. Lose 15 lbs!

How am I going to do all of these? Firstly, I'm making the commitment by writing these goals down! I've already signed up for Janathon (which means I need to work out every day for a month) to start out the year on track:). I've also signed up for '14 in 2014' which gives me access to a group of people on Facebook doing the same to keep me inspired and motivated. Planning is going to be really important so my next job is to make a race/training plan for the year, to include some speed work. On the weight loss front, I'm wearing a new Fitbit and tracking calories on myfitnesspal. To help manage the sugar cravings I'm going to be relying on my new, trusty Yonanas machine which is a great alternative to ice cream which is frankly the devil's spawn. I've also signed up for yoga with a friend so that will help me stay accountable and keep the stress levels down which has been a major driver in recent overeating episodes. On the motivation front - I'm also going to try and align my activity with good causes. I've signed up for to help fight malnutrition through activity and I'm going to pick some races with worthy beneficiaries. In 2014, my mantra is going to be "Running for a Reason"!!! I'm excited...


  1. You sound a little like me. I ran 440 miles in 2012 (my 1st year of running) and then about 150 this year. WHAT???

    And the eating. Lordie, what have I NOT consumed?? :)

    We're going to do this!


  2. It's so good to know that I'm not alone Shannon! Stay in touch and good luck to us both!!!

  3. Fantastic goals. Can't wait to read about them :)
